Tauranga is an easy island to love. Situated in the sunniest region of the North Island it has endless golden beaches, absolutely beautiful water and the downtown is called The Strand. We took a leisurely tour in a little boat among the islands, listening to some of the history about this relaxing, very resort area island. One of the main exports of New Zealand is lumber, specifically pine. It is shipped to China where it is processed then NZ buys it back for paper goods.
In the afternoon we gave in to a stroll through the Strand and added to the economy before having a delightful, and very different lunch at one of the eateries along the street. Walking back to the ship was something you might see in a movie: 3 blocks of golden sand beach, children playing in the water, sailboats in the background, families picnicking, boys racing in the long canoes. Sigh

Had we researched it more we might have taken a trip to the Maiori thermal springs. So many many choices of things to do that every few days you just need to relax and stroll.
Next stop Napier
Stay tuned.