This was our introduction to the Great Barrier Reef. We opted for a plane ride over the reef from Arlie Beach and were delighted with our choice. After being picked up and driven to the airport we boarded a 13 passenger plane (single seats on each side so everyone had a window).
During the 12-15 minute flight to the reef our pilot showed us resorts, beautiful white sand beaches and told us the names of all the islands. We could see the scuba and snorkeling boats beneath us. The photo is of a natural heart in the middle of the reef. Spectacular! I'm sure I sent a lot more pics on FB. After returning we lunched and shopped, of course, but it was really hot.
Our next stop was Cairns, our last stop in Australia. The first day we found a post office and I shipped two boxes home. (One has arrived already but I haven't heard yet if the second one was found). It wasn't cheap but was about half of what I expected. Dalna and I went to a mall bc she had to get something green to wear for the choir singing on St. Patrick's Day. We were successful and continued on in the mall bc it was air conditioned and so bloody hot outside! A mani for me, mani/pedi for Dalna, and a book store sale then we taxied back to the ship. The next day we had booked a snorkeling adventure on the Great Barrier Reef from Green Island. The weather was rainy but we went anyhow. On the catamaran going over we saw the under water helmet walk and tried to sign up for it. After completing medical forms/drugs, etc. we were turned down BUT they kindly offered the island's biologist to take us snorkeling on a private lesson. Phil was terrific! He took us under his wing, got us outfitted in wet suits (sting ray season), masks and life jackets. We had the compulsory pool training then headed out. The weather was still rainy and he explained that the conditions were pretty terrible because they had the highest tide they'd ever had that morning and it had brought in a lot of debris and muddied the waters. He had a life preserver and a rope and had the 3 of us hold on to it while he towed us all over the lagoon. He would point out the different kinds of coral, a giant clam, the few fish that we saw, and helped me with my face mask which kept leaking. Our $54 fee for 45 minutes turned into over 90 minutes of a private lesson! And- he let us use the hot shower of the staff. Still raining! We had lunch and it finally cleared up. As we headed for our glass bottom boat adventure the lagoon had filled completely up with snorkelers who were running into each other. Phil joined our glass bottom boat also as he is paid by the Australian government to inspect the Reef coral- the bleaching, any damage, etc. It was a completely different day than we thought we would have and so very satisfying. My phone was in the water proof pouch and I couldn't get it to take pictures. Sigh.
So, goodbye Australia, we LOVED you! Now on to New Guinea.
Stay tuned.