Charming Hobart started out as a convict colony when England emptied her jails of men and women and sent them to Tasmania. Many of the existing sandstone buildings were built by them and are carefully preserved today. A bus tour took us through many modern parts of the city then up to Mount Wellington for views of the harbors and the river, Derwent. It was quite cold on the top of the mountain and the view was hazy due to a brush fire the day before. Hobart is known for scallops, mussels, lobster but not shrimp, wines and Lark Whiskey.
Our Azamazing evening was at the concert hall for a performance by the string section of the Tasmanian orchestra which was truly amazing!
The next day the 3 of us had our hair done in a local shop.
Being satisfied with the result we took off for lunch, some shopping in Target (disappointing), and Dalna and I went to the Tasmanian Art Musuem to learn about the aborigines. Great exhibit plus one on Antarctica and we spent a satisfying couple of hours.
I fell outside but got up and continued back to the ship and a lovely invitation only dinner with our Hotel Director. This morning I did get checked out to discover a sprain of my carpel joint on the right wrist. Nothing broken - but my pride - and pretty sore from the impact. Have a brace for a couple of weeks.
On our way to Eden Australia now on the mainland ending up in Sydney on Thursday. Rough seas again but mild compared to what we went through before. I'm sending Ted Brolin photos of Hobart on my FB because he is so much better than I am at photos.
We are all in accord we could live in Hobart.