We left Panamá City last night. The entertainment was very energetic with lots of Rock and Roll music and dancers!
Today we attended two lectures: one on Hummingbirds by Nigel Marven. He is delightful and apparently well-known by the more wildlife enthusiasts among us. I'm going to look for some of his books/CD's when I get home. The second one was on the Fascinating Geology of the areas we're in. That was by John Rennie Short who is equally as knowledgeable and an excellent speaker! After we joined the Trivia players and came in last, as usual.
Went to lunch and ended up with 2 other ladies who were delightful. We talked so long I missed the bridge game but, since you have to
commit to the 2 hours, we couldn't do anyway. We had signed up for the Ship's Tour which was so interesting. Saw the Galleys (there are several) the kitchen(s), the laundry, the engine room, and the bridge.

Captain Paul who is absolutely delightful. He was in command of a ship by the age of 24. His passion is teaching his officers how to navigate by the stars or sun using a sextant. Yes, he uses the GPS but wants the "art" of navigation by sextant to not die. It was a 2 1/2 tour and just flew by.
After such an active day we retired for a little lie-down, then dinner and a quiet evening. I'm sitting by the computer stations and there is a very active and fun game of Mexican Dominoes being played just a couple of feet away.
Tomorrow more of the same as we are on very quiet and smooth seas heading to Peru (bypassing Ecuador)
Oh, dolphins were sighted today while we were on the bridge but I just saw some fins so no pics.
Stay tuned.